Our vision is to bring out the infinite potentialities of the child by creating a totality of experience and knowledge.
Our mission at The Bloomfield Children School is for every child to:
- Feel happy, safe and secure,
- Develop a lively, enquiring mind,
- Acquire social and moral values that will include: fear of God, responsibility for their actions, honesty, concern for others and self-discipline
- Fulfil his or her potentialities in every aspect of progress and growth.
Broad Aims of Our School
It is our aim at The Bloomfield School that every child develops a lively, enquiring mind, feels happy, safe and secure, and fulfils his or her potentialities in every aspect of progress and growth.
To achieve this we provide a high quality, broad, balanced and stimulating environment that:
- Helps and support each child’s achievement at their own pace
- Provides dedicated care and excellent teaching
- Values and promotes play and learning through meaningful first hand experiences
- Respects each child’s individuality and values their unique and special qualities
- Helps children and their parents to make an easy transition from family and home into the larger community of the school
- Acknowledges the learning that takes place at home and builds a close working relationship with parents
- Encourages a sense of belonging and active involvement for children and parents
- Allows each child to develop self – esteem, self – disciple and a positive self image
- Protects and nurtures the health and well – being of the child and their family
- Provides opportunities for children to share in decisions that affect them, to take responsibility and grow in independence and confidence
- Meets the needs of every individual child, creating a love of learning within each child that will make them eager, thirsty and ready for the next stages in their educational journey
The Bloomfield Children School is open to any child, provided the School can meet the needs of the child. Placement is on the basis of age in nursery 1 (one) and by placement test in other classes.
The School year has three terms of approximately twelve (12) weeks each. The school calendar is from September to mid-July. All gazetted Nigeria public holidays are observed by the school. Some of the activities on the school calendar are Open Days, Nursery Day, Parents Forum, Project work, Mothers’ Prayer Fellowship, Family Day, Father’s Day, Children’s Day, Day of the African child, Mothers’ Day, Visits to Motherless Babies Home, Parents Day, Christmas carols and concerts, Independence / Cultural Day, Inter – House sports, Easter Funfair, May Day, Saturday Fun Classes, Excursions and so on.

Members of the Governing Board. Prof Akenerem Essien ( Chairman – Former Vice Chancellor of University of Uyo) Mrs Titilola Akintayo ( Cheif Curriculum officer) Mrs Ayo Babatunde ( Director Admin/ Finance and Personnel)
Bloomfield Nursery Primary School
Giving the Child a brighter tomorrow
Producing great leaders to rule
We will do our best to make stand
Giving the Child a moral standard
That will never fall
O Lord God our heavenly Father grant us Wisdom we pray
Give us Knowledge and understanding
To build this Alma Mata
The Board of Governors
The board of governors of the school is made up of seasoned professionals who are entrusted to help the school provide the best education possible for every pupil. They help to make sure that a wide range of views are considered when important decisions are made.
Governors meetings are held at least once every term and an annual report from the governors is produced each year to outline the school’s development and progress. An annual general meeting is offered to parents when this report has been published. The board is made up of two parents’ representatives (HONORARY), representative of the financers, a lawyer, a charted accountant and The Managing Director.
If you are interested in becoming a governor then please see the Director. Elections of parent – representatives are held whenever places become available.
Admission Policy
The Bloomfield School is open to any child, provided the School can meet the needs of the child. Placement is on the basis of age in nursery 1 (one) and by placement test in other classes.
Playgroup – 2 years
Pre- Nursery – 3 years
Nursery I – 4 years
Nursery II – 5 years
School Calendar
The School year has three terms of approximately twelve (12) weeks each. The school calendar is from September to mid July. All gazetted Nigeria public holidays are observed by the school. Some of the activities on the school calendar are Open Days, Nursery Day, Parents Forum, Project work, Mothers’ Prayer Fellowship, Family Day, Fathers Day, Children’s Day, Day of the African child, Mothers’ Day, Visits to Motherless Babies Home, Parents Day, Christmas carols and concerts, Independence / Cultural Day, Inter – House sports, Easter Funfair, May Day, Saturday Fun Classes, Excursions and so on.
Educational Programme
We conduct programmes based on modern educational techniques that are considered to be appropriate for young children. These techniques are designed to prepare pupils for future academic skills/pursuits. Our teaching methods vary from play to the child’s independent use of tools and resources and a sense of personal achievement and ownership of learning.
The school’s educational programme offers to all pupils a broad and balanced Nigerian curriculum whether they are in the Nursery or Primary classes.
In the Nursery the children are guided towards acquiring pre-reading and writing skills. They learn these basic skills and concepts through their play, art, music, language, and other activities planned throughout the day.
In the Primary classes the National Curriculum on Primary Education plus some additional modules of work selected and written by the school is in use.
English and Mathematics are taught every day, and about 60 % of the teaching time each week is spent on these essential subjects. The other subjects are scheduled so that the children have varied and interesting days, and also the opportunities for sustained work in some subjects. What is taught is planned with care to ensure that relevant links are taken care of; lessons are taught from the known to the unknown.
Benchmark reading, Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Listening and speaking, Spelling & Dictation, Verbal reasoning, Punctuation, Phonics, Vocabulary, Sentence Patterns, Picture Reading, Language. Reading Foundational Skills
English writing), Listening and Speaking, Research Process,
Reading for Information, Using Reference Materials, English Writing an Essay, Fix the sentences
Reading Literature, Reading Skills, literature, poetry, Reading Non – Fiction and fiction, Study Skills, Writing paragraphs
Number sense, Quantitative Reasoning, multiplication and Nigerian primary mathematics
Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability, Measurement and Geometry, Algebra and functions
Basic Science and Technology (BST)- Basic Science, Basic Technology, Physical and Health Education, Computer Studies (ICT)
Pre – Vocational Studies (PVS) – Home Economics, Agriculture science, Vocational aptitude,
Religious and Value and Education (RVE)- Christian Religious Studies, Social Studies, Civic Education, Security Education, Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA), Basic Manners,
Character Development, General Knowledge, Health II, Geography, Science II, Social studies II, Nigerian Studies
Hausa Language, Igbo Language, Yoruba Language
Culture, reading, grammar, sight words,
Reading /writing music notes, Recorder, piano, drums and guitar presentation.
Provision for Special Educational Needs
Experts say that 20% of all children will have special education needs at some time in their school career. Most children will have their needs met by their class teacher differentiating the tasks. The school monitors and supervises the progress of every child, from the day they start school until they are admitted into secondary school and will intervene early if it feels that a child may have special educational needs.
The school will set up procedures of mentoring to assist pupils with some special educational needs and work together with the parents to achieve the desired result. Parents may be required to pay additional tuition for such children.
Homework and Holiday Assignments
Homework is given to children every day and for weekends. Parents are encouraged to supervise and or monitor their children (please always sign the homework record book). Also during the holidays children are given interesting topics which will create awareness for innovation and research in their young minds. Any child who does not attempt his or her homework will be delayed after school hours (at an added cost to the parent) to complete such work and a warning letter will be sent to the parent. A parent who receives such a letter three (3) times in a term may be invited for a meeting by the school.
The Bloomfield School is now developing its permanent site. At the moment there are a number of classrooms, administrative office, activity room, a sick bay, and a playground area. The School is centrally located in a quiet environment.
School Policy Statement and Home School Agreement
The Bloomfield School requires our Parents to maintain a home – school agreement. The purpose is to strengthen the co-operation between the School and Parents.
All Parents are required to sign an agreement at the time their child is admitted to the school. All information that may come our way concerning individual persons and their families are kept confidential.
The agreement covers essential aspects of the partnership between Parents and the School, including attendance and punctuality, discipline, homework and sharing information about children. Your child will be given high quality care with careful attention to safety, health, good nutrition and wholesome growth and development according to age, needs and class.
Attendance and Punctuality;
Children who attend School regularly and are punctual for lessons are more likely to succeed at school. At The Bloomfield School we work closely with Parents to encourage and support good attendance.
Therefore Parents or Guardians will;
- Ensure that their child (ren) arrives at school on time, between 7.30 am and 7.45 am; late coming will not be tolerated;
- Ensure that their child (ren) attends school regularly and provide a note/or call of explanation if their child is absent;
- Co-operate with arrangements the school makes to ensure the safety of all children at the start and end of the day;
The School will;
- Contact Parents or Guardians if there is a problem with their child’s attendance or punctuality.
N.B. No child will be released to a person not authorised by the parent to pick the child up. We must have a written or verbal authorization for changes in this respect.
Children are very vulnerable. They are controlled by their emotions much of the time because they have not yet learned self-control. They do need discipline, but they do not need punishment
We use positive methods of discipline and do not punish children for behaving as children. However, we teach children safety rules to keep them from getting hurt. Then according to age we help them to be kind, take turns, share and help others.
We believe that for effective discipline there should be mutual respect and consideration, child to adult, adult to child, child to child, to enable the school function effectively. Children are to address adults and each other with courtesy, and they must be dressed neatly and appropriately and be well groomed at all times.
Sometimes, however a child may be spanked if he or she is considered to deserve it. This disciplinary action is administered sparingly and only in the presence of the Parent, the Head teacher or a designated personnel. (NOTE: This policy was adopted by the school’s Parents Teachers Association (PTA)
Therefore the School will;
- Implement disciplinary policies fairly and review them from time to time;
- Inform Parents of our concerns about their child’s behaviour.
The Parents or Guardians will;
- Support the school’s disciplinary policy and encourage their child (ren) to the school’s behavioural expectations;
- Inform the school of any circumstances outside school or within the family which may affect the child’s behaviour
Sharing information
Your child is very important to us and you want to know that he or she is happy and well integrated into life at school. You also want to know about the progress your child is making in all aspects of the curriculum. We want to share information with you, in ways that are clear and honest.
Therefore the school will;
- Provide a Termly, Annual Report and Record of Achievement for each child;
- Invite Parent to attend Open Days at which their child’s work and progress will be discussed, Parents will write their observations in a comment book which the school will address appropriately;
- Keep records of each child’s performance and make these available to parents on request;
- Provide information about the subject that the children will be taught each year;
- Provide Parents with information about school activities through Newsletters sent home;
- Inform Parents if there are concerns about their child’s learning progress;
- Organise a Parents forum once a term.
Health Matters
We do not accept children who possibly have contagious/infectious diseases – till they are healed. Signs of a contagious illness may include vomiting, fever, diarrhea, bad colds, high temperatures, neck swelling, as well as symptoms of common childhood diseases. If your child is sick enough that you find yourself wondering if the school will accept him or her, it is probably best to keep the child at home. If all Parents co-operate with this rule, you will be protecting one another’s children.
However, we will determine the action to be taken in cases of illness or injury that occur while the child is in school. Permission to do so will be covered with your enrolment papers. You will be telephoned to pick up your child, if he or she becomes sick while in school, or if he or she is injured and needs immediate medical attention. In such cases, your child will be immediately isolated from the others.
When children have minor cuts and bruises, staff are only permitted to use water, ice, medical/ antiseptic -wipes and sterile dressings. We keep a detailed record of all First Aid administered and inform parents at the end of the day, if a child requires any treatment. However, you will be telephoned to pick your child, if he or she becomes sick while in school, or if he or she is injured and needs immediate medical attention. In such cases, your child will be immediately isolated from the others.
In case of serious injury a hospital will be informed, and then you will be called within an hour of the incident. Enquiries about the hospital the school uses in such situation could be obtained from the Administrative office. When a call is received to pick a child who is ill or has been injured, parents should do so as quickly as possible without delay and unreasonable excuses.
A filled form will be sent to you by the school first-aid coordinator if any drug has been administered on your child. (Only first – aid treatment is administered to children while in school).
The emergency card you will fill with your enrolment papers must be kept up-to-date so that we can contact you any time. Please keep us informed of new telephone numbers, addresses, or jobs.
The School will take your child for Dental visit once every term (please fill the consent form in your enrollment papers).
Feeding children in a school is big responsibility. Meals provide the rapidly growing child with necessary nutrients and energy. Having meals together can also build warm human relationships and help children develop positive eating habits and attitudes.
In the School, meals are served with all consideration for sanitation, to satisfy the child’s hunger, provide sufficient calories for wholesome growth, familiarising children with appropriate table manners, and developing children’s sense of taste and smell.
We avoid giving foods high in sugar, oil, salt and those made with refined and bleached flour and all forms of canned foods. We also give careful consideration to children on special diets such as allergies, religious diets, vegetarian diets, weight problems, diabetes and nutritional deficiencies.
A menu is drawn for each week. You may check the Administrative office for more information.
When it is your child’s birthday we will have special activities planned in his or her honour .You may bring a birthday treat, such as cake, biscuits and fruit drinks (please no sweets or candy).We suggest that families donate books in the name of their child for their birthdays. Every time a particular book is read, the birthday will then be recalled, the children will feel special, and their self – esteem will thus be enhanced.
School Uniform
Parents are asked to send their children to School wearing school uniforms. The uniform is chosen because it is comfortable, durable, affordable and attractive. Wearing uniform helps children to feel they are part of the school community and prepares them for work. The uniform is:
- White /Blue /Yellow blouse/shirts
- Grey Trousers/ shorts
- Grey skirt/pinafore
- Yellow striped tie
- Deep blue cardigan
- T- shirts/shorts for P.E
Uniforms can be bought from the school office which is opened Monday – Friday from 12.00 p. m – 2.00 p.m. Footwear should be black with white stockings or socks.
Pencil cases and stationery
Pencil cases and stationery are not required. The School provides all equipment and stationery; therefore children do not need and are strongly discouraged from bringing their own pens, pencils or rulers to school.
Hymn Practice & Fellowship
The children attend an assembly every day. Twice a week the nursery and primary meet separately for hymn practice. Our worship is charismatic in character. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from collective worship but must make the request in writing to the Head teacher. We hope however, because you have chosen a Christian school, you will want your child to take part in this important part of the school activity. Children who do not take part in collective worship spend the period of hymn practice reading quietly in the school Library.
Mothers are invited twice in a term (for 45 minutes) to attend a prayer fellowship. This is a worthwhile investment for your Child’s future.
Financial Conditions
School fees are paid at the beginning of the term. No pupil will be allowed into the school on resumption without payment of fees. A bank draft or bank transfer made to Bloomfield Childcare Services Ltd is the preferred method of payment.
Fees are not refundable after payment. Tuition and others fees that have been paid into school account in any term or session are non – refundable even if the child does not eventually report to school.
Parents Teachers Association
For now the school will run a Parents’ Forum. This will enable parents to speak their minds on matters pertaining to their child in relation to the school. The school board will deliberate on suggestions and take appropriate action and make improvements where needed in the best interest of the children. The PTA will be constituted in the next academic session.
Parent / School Participatory Forum
The children are given story books home for parents to share with them and a progress card is signed by parents. We call this Parent -in – Education. In addition we also offer a forum where pertinent topics on child development and growth are discussed (a list of topics are sent to parents at the beginning of the school term). In this school it is compulsory for parents to attend these foras. The course materials and refreshments are cost free.
The clubs available to children in the school include
- Scout cub/Brownies/First aid
- Sports – Swimming/Track and field/Taekwondo
- Musical Instrumentation
- Science /creativity club
- Literary – Theater/Dramatic club/story writing
- Debate/Speech writing/leadership club
- Home makers club